Howdy, partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! There’s no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day long. But how can yer kids do that if they don’t know who Jesus is or what he’s done for them?

Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory! 

Ages: Kindergarten (2024-2025) school year through 5th Graders!

Join us for service on Sunday, June 1st 10:30 am. Come + prepare your hearts + minds for the amazing week we are about to embark on!

Sunday, June 1st thru Wednesday, June 3rd 6pm-8:30 pm. Registration Tables open at 5:45pm. Pick up via the car pool lane with the tag you'll receive at registration.

Tuesday: Western Dress up day!

Wednesday, June 4th: Parents: Join us at 7:45pm for our closing assembly!