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Baptism Sunday

Why be baptized

If you have recently decided to follow Jesus, water baptism is a great next step in your faith journey. As an outward declaration of the decision you have made to surrender your heart to Jesus, it’s a significant moment that will serve as a reminder that the old is gone. God has saved you and will be faithful to continue what He has started in your life.

As a church, we hold baptisms regularly and it would be our privilege to host you and your friends and family as you take the plunge. Interested in being baptized? Sign up through the link “I WANT TO BE BAPTIZED” or sign up to be baptized at the Connection Desk on Sunday at church.

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 
(Galatians 3:26-27)

Our next Baptism: March 16th

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Do you struggle with:

-Feeling confused about where God has called you to serve
-Discerning society’s voices of what you “should” be doing versus God’s voice
-Searching for what God wants you to do

Then this training is for you!

It can be confusing to find your place in ministry. Society or even your family says you “should” be serving in your church in one way, but this leaves you feeling discouraged and unfulfilled. You feel stuck in a role and are prayerfully seeking answers. At PLACE, we believe that when you know who you are and the gifts God has given you, you’ll be more fulfilled and more effective in your ministry. God created you for a purpose. Let’s discover it.




Forgive And Set Free is a ten- week closed bible study for women who are seeking healing after abortion, and Mitzi Lovell with be leading this class. 

The Class will take place in Room 4. 




CentriKid Camp 2025

We are inviting you to explore our calling and join us as we go “Higher.”  At CentriKid 2025, kids will discover what it means to live out our calling through the adventure of following Christ!

Camp this year will be July 11-13, 2025 at Garner Webb College! All 2nd-5th graders are invited to this amazing weekend to worship with friends and find out live out their calling as a follower of Christ!


Mens Fellowship

Mens Fellowship

Men’s Breakfast

2nd Saturday of every month

7 AM in the CAVE


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Invite everyone you know

3/16 Sunday

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Be sure to join us Sunday April 20th during one of our two services at 9 & 11AM

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Student Summer Camp

Student Summer Camp

We will go to Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina from May 26 to May 30. This is for our middle school and high school students!


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Bloom is for high school + college girls to come and grow closer to the Lord, each other, and more seasoned women. 

Join us as we worship together and get into God's word through teaching and small groups. This will be on Saturday, March 29th! We can't wait to worship with you!